Friday, August 28, 2009

Now I'm awake...

I wasn't going to blog today.  I was heading to bed, tired after a day of housekeeping, child keeping, and sanity keeping.  I came into my room and to the side of the bed, over the alarm clock on the wall by the head board was a spider.  !!!  He was big and black and there was NO WAY he was going to be living much longer.  I hhhhaaaatttee spiders.  Always have.  I had nightmares about spiders as a child.  Me and Ron Weasley are kindred spirits.  

As Mom I have to don the cape and swoop to the rescue of my children when the spiders appear.  I am tough and dispatch of them without a quiver under the watchful eyes of my daughters, showing them, "see? Nothing to be afraid of."  All the while inside I'm shrieking and doing the Flip Out dance-----you know, the one with the prancing/jumping on tip toe, hands flapping, saying "ew! ew! ew!"  If the Mr. is home, I make him do all of the spider eradication, no matter how small.  And, it's not enough just to squash them.  No, no.  They must be squashed and flushed down the toilet for insurance.

So, to come into my bedroom and see a fairly large spider on the wall next to my head board gave me the quivers.  The Mr. is still out on business.  I'm on my own.  Gulp.  However, I gathered my courage and told myself to buck up.  I put on my shoes (you choose your armor, I'll choose mine) and a great wad of toilet paper, and with my nightie billowing around my ankles, I carefully approached said spider.  I got close and moved the alarm cord out of the way.  It ran.  FAST.  Aaaagggghhhhahhhhaaaaa!  

I managed to keep the screaming to myself and leaned the headboard back as far as it would go.  No spider.  I shoved the bed out of the way and moved the headboard all the way out of the way.  No spider.  I moved all the bits of things under the bed away from the wall.  NO SPIDER!  It's disappeared.  I can't sleep in this bed with a rogue spider on the loose.  Especially a turbo charged rogue spider.  I'm currently down at the other end of my bed facing the wall and keeping my eye out for the little jet fueled demon to reappear.  

When I came in to go to bed I was already half asleep.  Not anymore.  Hello, Insomnia.

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