Tuesday, September 1, 2009

There's No Place Like Home

I have nothing really profound to say today, but I did want to say this: for the past week or so there's been little pieces of me that feel empty, not quite right.  I should say, all of us here at Cherry Hill House have been feeling that way.  The sheer tension of disjointedness has had us all on the verge of meltdown at a moments notice.  And, there were meltdowns.  Oh, were there meltdowns.

But, then last night something wonderful happened.  

The Mr. came home.  

He walked in dragging his suitcase full of dirty laundry and backpack full of bribe offerings for his womenfolk, and we nearly knocked him down with the enthusiasm of our welcome.  We all could hardly sleep for the pure joy of being together again.  Our family is again whole, and so am I.

My jet fueled nemesis from the other night made another appearance tonight as we made our way to bed.  Needless to say, my Knight in Shining Armor has chased the octo-beast down and he has at last met his watery end in the porcelain fountain of death.  I can at last rest easy without a fat pillow wedged tightly against the headboard.  Oh, how I've missed the Mr.!  He is always and forever my hero!

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