Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Sick Bed Sweetness...

I've spent the last week and a half coughing until everything hurt, and then coughing some more.  As I watched the toys, papers, and laundry pile up around me while I sat helplessly gasping for air, I was reminded of my dominant feeling about being sick.  Anger.  The Mr. sat chuckling at me the other night after I ranted about the vagaries of being sick.  

"You're funny when you're sick."  He said.  "You get mad at being sick.  It's funny."

I wanted to shout, "Look around you!  This is what happens when I'm sick; we drown in a wasteland of our STUFF!  We eat chicken nuggets and cereal for dinner!  I forget Important Papers that come home from school!  You have no clean socks or underwear!"  

Instead I had a coughing fit.  

Somehow, in my hyperventilating state, I was able to find some beauty in life, even though I myself was far from being able to provide it.  And, since I'm a big fan of lists (I love lists like Kermit loves Miss Piggy, I could probably write a whole paper on why I heart lists), I shall provide my bits of beauty in list form:

1.  After a particularly bad night of coughing and sleeplessness I woke up with a "feel better" card on my tummy and a bright smiley Big Sis delighted to see me and give me a hug first thing in the morning.

2.  Good friends who showed up bearing delicious food and good wishes just because they heard I was sick and wanted to help.

3.  Ahhhh, Nyquil.  My friend.

4.  The girls both being in school so I could drop them off and come home and go back to bed.

5.  The Mr.  who slept on the couch for 5 nights in a row so that I could be comfortable and get some sleep without worrying about my coughing fits waking him up.  He must love me.

See?  Life is good.

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