Thursday, August 6, 2009

Daily Doses

When I started toying with the idea of starting a blog one of the things that appealed to me (besides my "accountability") is the opportunity for daily reflection.  One of the biggest challenges for me is to remain "present" in the moment, aware and appreciative of what is going on right now.  I tend to wallow in the baggage of the past or expend an insane amount of effort worrying or dreaming of the future, which leaves my present lifeless and devoid of meaning or purpose.  This bad habit of mine strips me of motivation and only leaves me grumpy and dissatisfied.  I think it's at the root of many of the things I want to change.  If I could make a more determined and disciplined effort to be more aware of the now, and even more to be more alert and attentive to the positive things in my life (of which there are many), then I could make my present more meaningful and more fulfilling.  That's part of my theory anyway.  (I say part, because my theories are always going in more directions than one...)

So, today I looked for simple joys.  Little moments that made me smile.  It was tough today.  There were errands with two unwilling tag-alongs, laundry, shed diving for camping equipment, food prep, and all other preparations for a little camping trip. Right now every muscle is protesting my still being vertical when all it 
wants is horizontal oblivion.  However, I do have two little moments that brought a smile to my face and a satisfaction in the days work.  

I looked at these little goodies all lined up on the pan with their little jeweled centers and the smell filling my kitchen and just felt happy.  A feast for the eyes as well as the mouth.  Yum.

My other moment of zen or grace or whatever you want to call it came late this evening.  I was hurrying to prepare the food for our camp-out and just before I started chopping and dicing I looked down and the way the colors and shapes were lined up made me pause and enjoy them for a moment before getting back to work.  It also made me feel good to see all that vegetable goodness lined up in my kitchen because it was a reminder that I was making progress towards my goal of feeding my family more healthy wholesome meals.  

And, you know what?  If I actually get these photos to post a look like I hope they will then that will be yet another victory for today!  See?  All that hard work, and I actually do have something to show for it!

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