Sunday, August 16, 2009

Back in the saddle again...

For the first time in a whole week I finally feel like I'm getting back together.  Why is it that even an overnight trip seems to throw off the whole delicate balance of laundry, meal preparation, and general care and keeping of creatures?  I felt off kilter all week, like I had all the puzzle pieces but they went to several different puzzles.  

Unfortunately, in my quest to reconquer my domestic abode post vacation, I lost that sense of renewal and immediacy in the moment.  By the end of the week I was desperate to reclaim that feeling of peace and gratitude for the small things, even joy in the small things.  I tried to remember what the small things were this week.

A crazy day with friends at the free summer movie, Charlotte's Web.  I watched my girls generously share their popcorn and excitement with a bunch of friends.  They even watched most of the movie quietly on the row in front of the mommies.  A small wonder in itself.  The image I have in my mind is this gaggle of about six little girls all holding hands, jabbering wildly and walking out of the theater together, the energy and excitement of the moment buzzing around them like a swarm of bees.  

I also spent time with my friends, learning to make porridge.  Sounds strange, but it was fun to have four of us crammed in my little kitchen, grinding, mixing, and talking as fast as we could in between the interruptions from the dramas of the play-date outside.  It was so nice to exchange ideas and thoughts with other moms, to know we're not alone in our frustrations and concerns.  How helpful it is to feel the support and strength of others.  As an added bonus I learned how to make something not only delicious and healthy for my family, but extremely economical.  I love finding a good recipe that's not going to break my bank account.

I finished a little project for my girls that I hope will improve all of our lives.  It probably won't sound very exciting, but it's a big deal at our house.  I made them some potty charts for our new potty incentive program.  It's a long, gruesome story, but needless to say I have high hopes that this new program will clear up some very long standing potty drama at our house.  The fact that they are both awesome and attractive is highly satisfying.  I love it when a project works.

As I have sat here writing this, my little family has all drifted in and settled.  Daddy and the girls are sitting together at the table with me, painting.  Oh, for this one golden moment to last!

The lesson to myself is that despite this being a difficult week, with the pieces not quite matching up, there have been moments of perfect harmony.  Now, it's just noticing the daily harmonies around me.  That will have to wait though.  You'll have to excuse me because I feel a watercolor masterpiece coming on....

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