Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Back to School Bonanza

Today was the last day of Summer at our house.  
Tomorrow we are back to school.  

We spent much of today in preparation for the Big Day.  I cleaned out old clothes, making way for the fresh new school clothes.  We chose the special First Day of School Outfits and they are as bright and bold as the girls who will be sporting them.  This afternoon we spent some time at the school getting to know Big Sis's teacher, classroom, and playground in an effort to help her with the changes.  After that meeting we went to Kindergarten Orientation for Lil' Sis and she was all nerves.  She kept curling up into a ball on my lap.  It's such a strange experience to see my little fireball subdued into a little match flame.  She usually fills up any room with her very presence.  She must be nervous indeed.  

After all of the meetings we went to the PTA Ice Cream Social to have a popsicle and hang out with friends we haven't seen all summer.  It's a nice Farewell to Summer and Hello to School event, a nice way to end the summer on an exclamation point!  Sometimes it's easier to make the transition when there is an event to signal the change from old to new, something in our brain makes the shift more easily when associated with a party or celebration.  

It's all wildly exciting, but tonight as I decorated pencil boxes and packed the new backpacks with requested supplies, I couldn't suppress a little quiver of anxiety.  
I'm nervous for them.  It's a new year with new challenges, new friends, new teachers.  For Lil' Sis this is a big change...this is It.  Kindergarten.  The whole enchilada.  How will it go?  How will they do?  Have I taught them enough?  Have I prepared them enough for the Big Bad World?  I have to hope so, because tomorrow they embark on their new adventure, ready or not.  I should have more faith in my two little spitfires.  They both came into this world on their own terms and in their own ways, and have carried on that tradition.  They'll be fine.  

But, will I?

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