Thursday, February 11, 2010

I should just keep my big mouth shut...

I just reread my last post. All optimism for the next big adventure after graduation. All bright shiny hope for what was on the other side of that Door of Opportunity. Well, I found out all right. And, it's been kicking my rear ever since. Why didn't I keep my wonderings to myself? It's almost like inviting the universe: "Come and get me, please!"

In the last month and a half I've feared for my sanity on a daily basis. That balance thing I was looking for when I started this blog all those months ago....yeah, that dream's been pretty much vaporized. But, the most amazing thing in all of this is the fact that I actually wouldn't change it if I could. It's been pretty amazing at times, and, in this moment, I think it's all worth it.

But, check back with me tomorrow. I might be ready for the men to bring me that nice white coat with all the shiny buckles....

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