Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Pomp and Circumstance

Two years ago, The Mr. came home late at night buzzing with energy and some excitement.  It was the first of two years worth of late nights he would spend working towards his MBA.  Nights and weekends were now defined by projects, presentations, conference calls, and team meetings.  Our week revolved around class nights and sometimes class weekends.  

Drama.           Work.            Stress.

Last night he came home late. 

Buzzing again.  

For the last time.
He's finished.  


It's bittersweet.  He's thrilled to be done with homework and presentations, late nights and projects.  I'm delighted to have the Mr. back full time.  I miss him when he's buried in school. However, he will miss the people.  The stimulating and challenging nature of working with intelligent and driven colleagues.  I'll miss having an evening or two a week where I can get away with PB&J for dinner and have the remote to myself, guilt-free.  

Once again we will both have to find a new rhythm, learn new steps, make a few adjustments.  So, it really isn't an ending, it's just another new beginning.  

I wonder where we'll end up this time?